Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Percy Jackson inspired eyes

I was supposed to see Percy Jackson with Brandon today but the snow messed things up. I did my makeup anyway though and I filmed a video and took pictures. Enjoy!

Now for the pictures!

Tuesday, February 9, 2010


Ask me anything http://formspring.me/awesomevegan


are there any quirky habits you have or things you do when no one is watching?

I have many quirky habits about me, Quincy. I don't know where to begin... I play with my hair a lot. I pick at my nail polish when it starts to chip. I collect stuffed animals (still) I buy books for my Kindle and in paper even though I have plenty to read to keep me busy for a long long time. I buy clothes even though I have too many. I get excited when I see cows. I daydream about things all the time. I have food cravings that last for days. I go to look up something online and forget what it was. I can't think of any now but I have a "Nerdy Things About Me" video on YouTube you may like :) Sorry I took so long to answer. I totally forgot about this thing LOL.

Ask me anything


When did you first start painting your nails or realize how much you loved nail artistry?--VeganValerie.blogspot.com

I just recently got into painting my nails again. I didn't have many nail polishes since all the ones I had were old and from before I went vegan. I have always loved color (I studied art in college) So I started looking for vegan nail polish brands and started collecting polishes and got into nail art as well. I have only been interested in my nails again for about the last year or so. Thanks for your question Valerie!

Ask me anything

My Pictures <3